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6 Tips to Improve Your Local Job Posting Strategy


In today’s global job market, allowing diversification is extremely crucial. As companies strive to expand their reach and seek to acquire the diverse skills and abilities of individuals from across the world, localization becomes vital in achieving this. Hiring people from varying backgrounds is not just a luxury anymore, but rather a necessity.

However, it is easier said than done, especially if you have geographical limitations to who you can hire. Thankfully there are several solutions to help you find candidates in your area, here are just a few:

  • Job boards allow for local listings: LinkedIn and ZipRecruiter allow you to add your specific location to the job posting so candidates can find you when they are searching for jobs in their location.
  • AI-powered sourcing tools: Arya, can directly source candidates in your area so you can get a list of qualified, local candidates in 5 minutes or less.

Now that you know what tools to use, let’s deep dive into local job posting best practices

Create Local Appeal

Emphasize the specific benefits for individuals in the area. Specify any nearby perks that might intrigue potential employees such as restaurants, malls, or parks. Make sure you are showcasing your company in the best light possible to appeal to the locals or anyone looking to relocate.

  • Great office location
  • Easy commute to work
  • Free parking
  • Office perks: pet-friendly, great snacks, or free lunch

Eliminate Language Barriers

To address your local audience, it’s crucial to adapt to their languages. Apart from simply translating the content, you also need to use to write tone and relate to the community. By the end of reading your job post, the applicant must be thoroughly convinced of your company’s goals and achievements. Highlight your organization’s key features and the diverse cultural opportunities by using a language they’re fluent in.

Use Professional Language

LinkedIn reported candidates are 4x more likely to dislike the employer and 2x – 3x less likely to apply to the post if the job post is too casual. Using hashtags and slang is only going to push away any potential candidates who would’ve been interested in your company. And truly, no one wants that. By maintaining professionalism, you’re making sure the candidates know your level of seriousness regarding the hiring process.

Professional tone helps you use inclusive and neutral language that minimizes the risk of offending any culture by making derogatory remarks. This language is important to make individuals of diverse backgrounds feel welcome and safe.

Emphasize DEI

Does anyone ever want to join a company that makes them feel unwelcome? Most definitely not! Be sure to highlight your company’s commitments toward inclusivity and relate these to the local community.

Some candidates may not apply if you do not mention any DEI efforts, so make sure your job post specifies the company’s diversity initiatives, employee resource groups, or community outreach programs that foster inclusivity. People are more appreciative towards organizations who are verbal in their diversity and avid supporters of all individuals, Learn More ways you can improve your DEI messaging.

Local Factors to Consider

Always cross-check local labor laws and salary ranges as they’re not the same throughout all the states. Some common local factors to keep in mind:

  • Minimum wage or salary ranges: Different states have different minimum wage rates. Say, for example, the minimum wage rate per hour in Alaska is $10.85, whereas it’s $15.50 in California – the same can be said for salary ranges which will differ based on cost of living.
  • Workplace safety and health: These laws are administered by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). So, if your company is covered by the OSH Act, you’ll most definitely have to abide by their policies.
  • Workers’ compensation: Almost every state requires the employees to carry workers’ compensation insurance. However, this compensation varies in each different US state.

Promote Locally

It’s always a good idea to maintain a strong network with your local audience. Strong relationships will help you promote your job postings and help you find quality referrals. Additionally, you can add any community involvement, awards, certificates, and partnerships that showcase your commitment to the area. This not only adds authenticity to your job post but also helps candidates feel more connected to your organization.

Your local job listing strategy can make or break your time to fill

Creating effective local job listings require a great amount of hard work to attract the top candidates in the area you are hiring in. Remember that localization is not a one-size-fits-all approach; it requires continuous research, cultural sensitivity, and a genuine commitment to being a valuable part of the local community.

Make localized candidate sourcing a breeze with powerful AI sourcing tools such as Arya. See how it can accelerate your sourcing and recruiting efforts by booking a demo today!


  • https://business.linkedin.com/content/dam/me/business/en-us/talent-solutions/resources/pdfs/job-descriptions-ebook.pdf

Danielle Cunningham


Danielle Allery is a skilled corporate recruiter with a proven track record of matching top talent with the right teams. Her experience at Leoforce, combined with a Bachelor's in Human Resources, fuels her expertise in understanding organizational needs and candidate potential. Danielle's passion for building relationships and maping candidate journeys makes her a trusted advisor in the recruitment content space. Outside of work, you'll find her unwinding with friends, family, and a dose of reality TV!

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