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Faster results and a better recruiting experience

AI recruiting and candidate search

Analyze successful sourcing and recruiting trends to consistently find, engage, and hire top candidates faster than humanly possible with our AI recruitment platform.

40-80% productivity gain

Cut your sourcing time in half while improving efficiency and finding top talent faster. Direct your freed-up time to focus on what brings recruiters the greatest ROI, which is talking and engaging with candidates.

Multi-channel sourcing

Arya AI quickly analyzes data from your internal database, job boards, social sites, and 70+ other relevant professional sources to highlight the candidates most likely to succeed.

Source more diverse talent right out of the box

Arya helps meet diversity hiring goals with no-cost diversity options built-in. There’s no need to pay for specialty job boards, complicate your workflows, or invest in new technology.

One Arya success story


Jack Farrell
Owner, QuickRecruit

“By utilizing Arya, I’m no longer subscribing to any job boards.”

“By utilizing Arya, I’m no longer subscribing to any job boards.”

“My ROI has been ridiculous. Multiply the cost of Arya by 20, and that’s how much I’ve made off it.”

Arya by the numbers

The talent market has never been so competitive.
We pride ourselves in helping our clients find the right candidates at the right time.

40 Million

Candidates Sourced


Clients & Client Companies


Recruiters Supported Globally

With Arya by Leoforce, you’re better positioned as full strategic partners in the growth of your business. Right from the start, you’re investing your time and budget in better-qualified, more motivated candidates.

You’re liberated to do what you do best: work proactively with executives, clients, and hiring managers, and build quality relationships with top talent.

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